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Taís Bahia is a PhD student in Administration, in the Economics and Education Administration concentration, from the International Education Development program at Peking University (Peking University – PKU / 北京大学), Taís Bahia was the only Brazilian to be approved with a full scholarship in the selection of 2020 from the China Scholarship Council (CSC/CGS) for a doctoral program in China.


In this program, she had access to exclusive content about educational public policy strategies in recent decades in China and around the world, knowledge that largely contributed to the founding of Xianzai 现在. She also has a master's degree in Business Law (Company and Economic Activities) from the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ and a bachelor's degree in Law from the Fluminense Federal University – UFF.


A lawyer specializing in Corporate Law and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), with around ten years of experience in Brazil-China business relations, she is the 1st Deputy Secretary General of the State Coordination of Brazil-China Relations of the Brazilian Bar Association. Brazil – Rio de Janeiro State Section (CERBC/OAB-RJ), where she also works as Coordinator of the Sexual and Gender Equity Group and Member of the Education and Culture Group. Taís is also a Consultant Member of the Brazil-UN Special Commission (CEBRAONU) and had voluntary participation in the Brazil-China Studies Center at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation School of Law – FGV. 


In December 2021, she received the Award of Thanks for "her outstanding performance and commitment to democratic causes and the right to defense", awarded by the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association.


Additionally, she is co-founder of the Pluriversal Festival (International Festival on the Pluriversal Perspectives of Brazil-China Relations) and founder of the Brazil Supports China campaign, which connected manufacturers, donors and buyers of masks and other hospital materials in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19.

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Taís Bahia 达义实

Founder of Xianzai 现在 and

PhD student at Peking University

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Approved in around 20 selection processes abroad (in addition to scholarships)

From postgraduate courses to academic exchanges (2013-2022). At Peking University alone, Taís passed 3 courses:

  • Ph.D. in Administration / International Education Development Program

  • LL.M. in Chinese Law

  • LL.M. in Transnational Law (STL)

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Check out some of the content produced by us and our founder:

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